
Winter in June?

Charlie and I just got back from a great weekend away! We visited a place just north of here called Seal Rocks. The area is absolutely gorgeous and we had an amazing view of the coast/lakes from our cottage.

The area not only has beautiful beaches, but directly behind the beaches are brackish water lakes. Charlie and I tried fishing, but had very little luck. Charlie caught our only fish of the day (see pics)... it was still nice to be out on a lake with gorgeous scenery.

Over the past couple of weeks the weather has definitely changed. It's still hard to grasp that we are heading into winter instead of summer. I guess we'll get a true dose of winter in a couple of weeks while we are in New Zealand... they already have a few feet of snow down there!

Well enjoy the warm weather up there : ) We'll be shivering down here... (haha, just kidding, it's only about 55-65, definitely not freezing by any means)

Here are some pics from the weekend, an afternoon trip to the Hunter Valley and Autumn Ball....

May 2009


6 months down... 30 to go!

Once again, it has been waaay too long since our last post. It really has been busy around here. Charlie just got back home from Tindal and brought with him a nasty cold/flu. He has been off all week, but we haven't been able to enjoy it since he is so sick.

I have been travelling the past couple of weekends. Great little trips with friends from Newcastle.

Here is the link to the photos...

Brisbane & Port Macquarie April 2009

I finally got a job! I will be working for a luxury tour company. It will be part time and I am hoping to get travel discounts... we'll see though! It will be nice to have something to do during the day. Although I don't think it will be a particularly challenging job... it's a job though... and it's about time!