

We kind of forgot about this thing didn't we?!? I think with constant updates on facebook we forget to update our blog! Sorry to those who still read this : (

It's been a pretty big month or two here. Charlie and I took an amazing road trip with our friends Duncan (a pilot in Charlie's squadron) and Emily (his girlfriend) around the Northern Territory. We visited three national parks and got a feel for the REAL outback. We got to see tons of birds and crocs (thankfully from a distance). We got to see amazing Aboriginal art and purchased some for our house. We also got to swim in some of the most beautiful pools below waterfalls. It was definitely something we will remember for a looong time!

It is a really exciting time for us because we are moving in less than a year and Charlie has made the decision to leave the Navy. He's decided he wants to get his MBA, so after returning from the trip Charlie had to buckle down and start studying for the GMATs. He will be sending out applications in October and hopefully by January or February we will know where we will be living for the next couple of years.

I'll leave you with a few pics from our trip....

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